In today’s ever-changing and confusing world of parcel shipping options you need to have unrestricted access to multiple service and carrier options insuring that your shipments are reaching their destination on time and at the most competitive rates.
Your parcel shipping has never been in better hands than with SHIPSCS. With the ability to load your own company rates to the SHIPSCS platform, and take advantage of the Dashboard features of SHIPSCS.
Or, simply to join a Marketplace beholden to shippers just like you, and to ensure you are always putting the most money to “YOUR” company’s bottom line …

Audit & Claim Tools
“SHIP SCS gives each user access to carrier Audit, Claim, and Payment tools. Whether you purchased shipping insurance; or, you need to file directly with the carrier – your SCS Dedicated Operations Agent helps you navigate the process until a final resolution has been delivered.”
VAAP Store Inbound Management
“Are you ONLY controlling your outbound shipping costs today? With SHIP SCS you now have the ability manage your entire supply chain transportation costs – OUTBOUND and INBOUND.
Take control today - Ask us how
Take CONTROL Managed Shipment Transparency
“@ SHIP SCS your in the Driver seat. You have access to real-time updates on all of your shipments regardless of mode; and with your Dedicated Operations Manager – you will always be the first to know! This proactive managed visibility is a must have with todays demanding JIT world.”
“SHIP SCS gives each user access to carrier Audit, Claim, and Payment tools. Whether you purchased shipping insurance; or, you need to file directly with the carrier – your SCS Dedicated Operations Agent helps you navigate the process until a final resolution has been delivered.”
“Are you ONLY controlling your outbound shipping costs today? With SHIP SCS you now have the ability manage your entire supply chain transportation costs – OUTBOUND and INBOUND.
Take control today - Ask us how
Take CONTROL Take control today - Ask us how
“@ SHIP SCS your in the Driver seat. You have access to real-time updates on all of your shipments regardless of mode; and with your Dedicated Operations Manager – you will always be the first to know! This proactive managed visibility is a must have with todays demanding JIT world.”
VAAP Store